Dissolution of Marriage
Divorce and Separation
Divorce Litigation
Divorce Mediation
Economic Mediation
Complex High Net Worth Divorces
Child Custody and Parenting Time
Child Support
Spousal Support
Alimony Calculations
Domestic Partnerships
Relocation Applications
Juvenile Matters
Emergent Applications
Post-Divorce Support Modification
Equitable Distribution of Marital Assets
Marital Settlement Agreements
Issues Relating to Children with Special Needs
Proper Allocation of College Costs
Domestic Violence & Restraining Orders
Often times people’s emotions interfere with their ability to think reasonably during divorce. No one on anticipates that their marriage will end in divorce. Second only to the death of a spouse, divorce ranks as the most stressful life experience that a person can have. Experience has taught me that divorce cases take many forms, and reducing the stress inherent in divorce means being able to successfully navigate the journey for each specific client. We handle all aspects of family law including divorces, alimony, child support, equitable distribution, custody and parenting time.
Divorce mediation is a more holistic approach to divorce. It is intended to be a low conflict alternative to the litigious process designed to help minimize animosity between parties seeking a divorce. It is alternative dispute resolution tool that that you can use to help you and your ex reach an amicable agreement without a lengthy court battle. Not only will mediation provide a non-litigious alternative to divorce, but it can save you precious time, money and sanity.
Unfortunately, just because you are divorced, does not mean that your divorce is truly over. Often times, people ignore their legal obligations and it becomes necessary to enforce them whether through litigation or negotiation. On the other hand, sometimes, after your divorce, your circumstances change significantly which makes compliance with your existing obligation impossible.
Both, modification and enforcement applications, often take time and may require court intervention, plenary hearings, mediation and negotiations.
Whether you need to enforce an order that is being ignored or modify an existing order with which you can no longer comply, our firm can navigate those waters for you.
Domestic violence does not discriminate. It can happen to men and women. It can happen in heterosexual relationships as well as homosexual relationships. It happens across all socioeconomic levels, races, religions and ages. In addition, domestic violence is not only limited to physical violence. Just because you do not appear “brusied” does not mean you are not battered. Not all abusive relationships include physical abuse. Abuse can take many non-physical forms such as emotional abuse, psychiological abuse, harassment and stalking. However, the one common theme through all abuse is for the abuser to gain control over the victim.
When the court makes a finding of domestic violence, and enters a Final Restraining Order, that finding can seriously impact a person’s life, both personally and professionally. It can impact your ability to communicate with your children. It can have financial implications imposed by the court and it can impact your ability to find employment.
On the other hand, for victims of domestic violence, the path to leaving an abusive spouse or partner can feel daunting. The journey begins with recognizing the abusive patterns, and having the courage to speak up for yourself and seek the court’s help for protection. This is not an easy task, especially if you’ve been manipulated by your abuser to believe that you are the problem or that you are lying about the abuse.
The adoption of a child is a wonderful and life changing moment for children and their adoptive families. Adoption often involves a complex procedure meant to ensure the change is happening in the child’s best interest. It is important to know how to navigate the state, interstate and international process and that often requires an attorney’s assistance. We focus on private, public, same sex, stepparent and adult adoption.
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